Anti-Aging: A Fight against Aging!

Aging process is an inevitable part of life, none can escape from it. The changes an individual experiences are not at all harmful. As the age advances hair turns gray and becomes thin. Skin becomes less elastic and sags. Majority of the people over age 65 today are independent, healthy and happy. But there are some individuals that start to experience changes that are perceived as signs of deterioration.

2,000 women surveyed by British beauty and health retailer Superdrug, aging concerns in most women starts at the age of 29. The chief worries of these women were going gray, wrinkles, sagging breasts and facial hair.

Factors that Contribute to Aging 
There are factors that can make people age faster, they include:

  • Sun exposure: Too much of sun exposure accelerates external aging. It contributes to wrinkles and the formation of fine lines. Sunscreen protects the skin from the harmful UV rays. While natural pigments provide some protection but chronic sun exposure causes age spots as well as elastosis that are the breakdown of elastic tissue in the skin that produces leathery skin appearance.
  • Smoking: The pesky habit of smoking can make people age faster. Besides contributing to wrinkles, it is also associated with a host of serious health problems. A study of 2005 linked smoking with shorter telomere length.
  • Sugar: High sugar intake also contributes to faster aging. It leads to unhealthy weight gain. The real aging factor depends upon how your body recognizes and uses sugar. Over-consumption of sugar, leading to high amounts of sugar in a person's body is linked to aging.
  • Antidepressants: A facial analysis study conducted on identical twins in 2009 shows that use of antidepressants lead to accelerated aging. Researchers analyzed photographs of 186 sets of twins and found that those who had taken antidepressants often looked older than their respective counterparts who had never used it.
  • Phobic anxiety: A latest study from researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital concluded that phobic anxiety can lead to biological aging faster and it is also responsible for other health problems. Symptoms of phobic anxiety are linked to shorter telomeres. It is a plausible mechanism for faster aging.
  • Divorce: Divorce is a major cause of concern and separating from a partner can lead to accelerated aging. In the study led by a team of plastic surgeons twins who had been divorced looked older remarkably, 1.7 years older to be exact as compared to twins who had not gone through this trauma. 

Signs and Symptoms of Aging
There are various signs and symptoms of aging. They are very diverse and most of these develop gradually. Different people possess varying degrees of aging signs and symptoms that includes:

  • Decline in vigor and energy
  • Change in sleeping patterns
  • The tendency to become tired easily
  • Reduced memory
  • Behavioral changes
  • Changes in hair color
  • Changes in skin and hair such as wrinkles, fine line, loss of skin elasticity as well as hair loss affecting the limbs
  • Low libido
  • Sexual dysfunction

Defining Anti-Aging
The human body is made of cells and aging starts when there is cell death. Anti - aging is to stop, delay or retard the process of aging. In infants, child or young adult, the body cells are resilient, strong and can produce new cells. As time passes the body's ability to generate new cells declines, death of cells occur and the aging process proceeds. 

There are different common meanings and connotations for anti-aging. Each of which is advocated by a particular group and loose coalition of interests. In the medical or a reputable business community, the medicine of anti-aging medicine means early detection, treatment and prevention of age-related diseases. For tackling the aging process a wide array of therapies and strategies are currently available. 

Anti-Aging Research
Genetics has advanced in a number of ways and can provide answers to many medical complications. The next challenge in front of the genetic research teams is to focus on the ageing mechanism. There is a need of research that must be done on slowing the growth and ageing of cells which leads to serious problems later in life, the main aim being increasing the life expectancy. The respite is that all the tests have been done on animals and only when some success is noticed are they tried on humans.

Anti-Aging Skin Care
When it comes to skin care, there are anti - aging cosmetics and skincare that makes you look years younger. Many women embrace treatments such as acid peels and Botox for removing wrinkles from their sight. For removing dark spots from your skin start by visiting a dermatologist for a skin checkup and repeat this once in a year. 

Tips for Skin Care
Go all natural and get a great youthful look by following these tips:
  • Honey Face Mask: Raw honey is anti-bacterial naturally and gives you soft glowing skin. Use a tablespoon of raw honey and gently warm it by rubbing your fingertips. Spread evenly on your face for 5 to 10 minutes. Wash thoroughly with clean warm water and pat dry. 
  • Dry Brushing for Better Skin: It is a simple detoxification process for your body. Through a gentle massage it stimulates a number of organs. It is highly effective for the lymphatic system, eliminates dead skin, makes the immune system strong, reduces cellulite, can help tighten skin through better circulation as well as stimulates the hormones. 

Final Word
There are no quick fixes for maintaining a youthful skin.  It requires stress management, good sleep, physical exercise and proper nutrition. Always remember real beauty is a result of taking care of your body on a daily basis.
Wrinkle & Anti Aging


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