Rumors and Facts about Anti-Aging You Must Know

Anti-Aging Skin Myths Overview

This is true that every woman wants a perfect skincare to enhance their youth and beauty. Our minds are constantly insinuated with images of forever young looking women, so it's impossible for us not to be affected. Cosmetic industry has flourished and to meet our requirements there are different anti-aging skin care treatments and products in the market. Amongst them some are the stuff of old wives tales, urban myths and science fiction, while others are sure-fire methods to combat aging skin problems such as sunspots, wrinkles and sagging skin. Renowned dermatologists have busted the myths and separated the anti - aging skin care facts from fiction.

10 Rumors and Facts about Anti-Aging

Here are some of the most common myths and the truth behind them:

1. Myth

On a cloudy day you don't require sunscreen


You require sunscreen whether there is sunshine or rain. The UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays' reaches the earth. The UVB rays are filtered out on a cloudy day, your skin doesn't get burnt easily, but UVA rays are sharp and penetrate easily through the clouds and affect your skin causing skin cancer and premature aging.

2. Myth

You don't have to worry about any adverse effects if a product is made with natural ingredients.


Natural products can also irritate your skin if you are applying it always. Natural ingredients cause an adverse effect as you can to chemical based ones. Mother Nature is not always generous, so while using any product whether it is natural or man made you have to be careful. If you notice any reactions stop using it immediately.

3. Myth

Something that worked for your friend, it would work for you


Every individual is not created equal and don't have the same type of skin. Find what works for you. A treatment that is perfect for your friend might be a disaster for you.

4. Myth

Expensive skin care product is better than cheaper ones


Quality of a product matters, not actually its price. There is no relationship between the two. If you can afford a $ 300 per ounce cream and you swear that it works best for you, then that cream is what you need to use. Still there are many wonderful products available on market that comes with a cheap price and do the same thing.

5. Myth

Warts have roots


A common belief is that, the wart will come back if you don't get the root out. Whatever that grows on your skin, doesn't has roots. A virus cause warts and they are not easy to treat. You have to remove the cells that contain virus that causes warts. If you don't do this, warts will grow again.

6. Myth

Lasers can remove anything from your skin


LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It is a machine that has a specific target such as water, blood or melanin. It gives off light that is amplified. Lasers can wonderfully treat brown spots and dilated blood vessels particularly on the face. The lasers that target water are excellent for smoothing fine lines. But lasers, with any other technology, have some limitations. They cannot eradicate moles, rashes and most skin cancers. A60 year old cannot look 40 with lasers.

7. Myth

Moisturizers reduce wrinkles


Moisturizers only keep your skin hydrated; they retain oil and water that are already under your skin layers. A person having a dry flaky skin should use a moisturizer. If you already have oily skin then applying moisturizers worsen conditions such as acne.

8. Myth

The fountain of youth is water


Water cannot reduce wrinkles unless you are suffering from severe dehydration. Wrinkles are caused by age, sun and genetics. The best way to get rid of wrinkles is to use a sunscreen daily. There are many anti - aging products that contains retinoid. Choose the one that is right for you.

9. Myth

Acne is formed by dirt


There are multiple factors responsible for acne. Some people believe their acne is caused by dirt. They hardly scrub their face that makes the acne worse. Acne is mainly under the control of hormones and it is the sensitivity of hair follicles and oil glands to one's own normal hormones. You only require a proper skin care regimen that works for you.

10. Myth

Liver spots are related to a problem in your liver


There is no connection between liver spots and your liver, even though they have a liver colored hue. These unsightly brownish spots are caused by sun and they are more in older people. To prevent them from occurring use sunscreen and don't move out without wearing a hat. Apply your sunscreen properly on the top of your hands, chest and ears.


These are the practical tips and information that you must keep in mind rather than believing on such myths. Talk to the experts and dermatologists to prevent and deal wide variety of issues related to skin.
Wrinkle & Anti Aging


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